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Performing Light Response Curve using LI6800 and LI6400XT + Extra Intro to do A-Ci Curve

Writer's picture: PlantHouse EnterprisePlantHouse Enterprise


Delivered on: 21 AUGUST 2022

This lecture focuses on understanding and creating light response curves, a key tool in plant physiology. Explained how to set up and use a Portable Photosynthesis System (LI-6800 & LI-6400XT) to measure photosynthetic rates under varying light intensities. It emphasizes the importance of acclimating leaves to controlled conditions before measurement and interpreting the resulting biphasic curve. Key information derived from light response curves includes dark respiration rate, light compensation point, quantum efficiency, and maximum photosynthetic rate (Amax). Highlighted how light response curves can reveal a plant's adaptability to sun or shade conditions, providing insights into its physiology and potential responses to future environmental changes.

A light response curve can provide indications of the:

  • Dark respiration rate: The photosynthesis rate with no light,

  • Light compensation point: Absorbed quantum flux for which photosynthesis and respiration are balanced

  • Quantum efficiency: Initial slope of the assimilation rate, and

  • Light saturated photosynthetic rate (Asat).

Video Timestamps:

00:00 Recap attending light course fortnight back (

03:40 Basic Making Graphs for Light Curves

04:00 The components of abscissa and ordinate x-y axes

09:33 The number, letter and F menus in LI6400XT

10:00 Plotting light curve from data points

10:40 Biphasic nature of light curve

11:20 Information can be derived from light curve

11:39 Light curve indicates Dark Respiration rate

11:58 Light curves indicates Light Compensation Point LCP

14:50 Light curves indicates Quantum Efficiency

17:25 Light curves indicates Maximum Photosynthetic Rate Amax Assimilation

18:23 Photoinhibition due to excess light

19:30 Light curves tells if plant more towards shade type or sun type

25:55 Know the reason behind actions. Don't entertain crazy clueless supervisor

31:30 Setting up environments in LICOR 6400XT and LI6800 chamber to acclimate leaf

39:00 To choose leaf: Determine the plant phyllotaxy ( leaf arrangement)

40:00 Choose fully expanded leaf, level 3 to 5 from the top like in Choy Sum

40:21 Don't count leaf bud or primordia as a leaf count

43:10 Don't use broken leaf

45:20 Choosing leaf of palmate morphology like Okra

56:40 Sings of acclimated leaf in the chamber. Ensure this before run Light Curve

1:04:26 Adding water to Stuttgarter Masse column in LI6800

1:06:15 Press square bracket ] on LI6400 to see current graphs to determine acclimation level of the clamped leaf

1:32:57 Extra - Intro to do A/Ci Curves CO2 response Curve

1:45:40 Why CO2 concentration set for CO2 curve not similar like light curve.

Keywords: Light response curve, Photosynthesis, Plant physiology, LICOR machine, Photosynthetic rate, Light intensity, Acclimation, Biphasic curve, Dark respiration rate, Light compensation point, Quantum efficiency, Amax, Photosynthetic efficiency, Sun plants, Shade plants, Light adaptability, CO2 response curve, Kelvin cycle, Leaf morphology, Chlorophyll fluorescence, Electron transport rate, lesson


Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Fakulti Pertanian, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43000 Seri Kembangan, Selangor

XPMM+9J Seri Kembangan, Selangor

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