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Pelatihan Instrumen LI-6800 “Portable Photosynthesis System Introduction and Demonstration Part 1/3


Lectured-Demo on: 16 JANUARY 2024

A comprehensive overview of photosynthesis and its measurement using the LI-6800 photosynthesis system. The core concepts of photosynthesis are then explained, including plant requirements, light dimensions, leaf morphology, chloroplast structure, and light-dependent/independent reactions. The role of pigments and photochemical reactions are discussed, along with cyclic electron flow. Then transitions to the theory of practical applications of the LI-6800, demonstrating steady-state measurements, fluorescence parameters, and response curves. It also covers chlorophyll fluorescence measurement, porometer use, and proper leaf selection for various plant types, including paddy, corn, and tree leaves. The aim was to equip viewers with a solid understanding of photosynthesis and the tools to measure it accurately.


00:00 Introduction by MC about the itinerary of the training

06:00 Technical manager AGLC salutation

12:00 Photosynthesis A Quick Overview

17:10 Plant requirements

20:30 Photosynthesis ecological considerations

22:40 Leaf cross-section; morphology

28:12 Chloroplast structure

32:40 Light-dependent reaction and Light-independent reaction

36:30 Dimension of light for plant

48:48 Visible light

52:20 Leaf pigment and photochemical reaction

59:06 Speed of photochemical reaction

1:05:17 Cyclic electron flow

1:09:17 QnA on plant light requirement

1:10:25 Calvin cycle

1:22:17 Steady-state measurement / Survey measurement LI-6800

1:23:30 Fluorescence parameters

1:25:30 Response curve, C3 vs C4 different

1:37:10 Response curve data visualisation

1:38:26 Curve fitting tools on the Licor website

1:47:50 Brief fluorescence

1:57:15 Light absorption

1:58:00 Photosynthesis and fluorescence

2:00:20 Partitioning of photon

2:04:14 Maximum quantum yield Fv/Fm

2:10:34 Efficient quantum yield PhiPS2

2:24:28 Chlorophyll fluorescence measurement

2:49:30 Porometer / Fluorometer

3:05:14 mol Avogadro constant

3:13:19 Choosing leaf for LI6800 LI600 measurement (fully expanded leaf)

3:23:10 Paddy leaf vs Grass/weed leaf

3:25:33 LI-6800 Part Overview

3:40:50 Prep the leaf for Fv/Fm measurement (paddy, corn, Allium)

3:55:50 Choosing tree leaf (Palmae, tapioca, Dicot plant, tree)

Diselenggarakan oleh AGLC Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada

Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 - Creative Commons


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