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Pelatihan Teori + Praktik Fotosintesis & Fluoresensi Alatan Fisiologi LiCOR LI6800,600,180 Part 2/4

Pelatihan pada: 10 Januari 2024

A comprehensive tutorial on plant physiology, with a focus on photosynthesis and the use of the LI-6800 instrument for measurement. It covers the basics of photosynthesis, including light-dependent and light-independent reactions, the role of pigments, and variations in C3, C4, and CAM plants. Then it delves into the LI-6800, explaining its functions, how to use it for different measurements (including fluorescence), and practical considerations like leaf selection and environmental settings. It also includes Q&A segments addressing specific questions.


00:00 Health advice, Insulin response

01:00 Q&A Sugar control by genetic or fertiliser?

08:00 Photosynthesis overview

11:48 Light-dependent reactions and light-independent reactions/Calvin cycle

15:40 Plant that uses a lot of N and no N

19:15 Dimension of light for plant

20:25 First part of photosynthesis

24:50 Pigment in leaf

32:00 Summary of the photosynthesis

32:10 Second part of photosynthesis - Calvin cycle

44:35 Q&A Resistance of carbon dioxide to enter the cell

47:26 Understanding Ca, Ci, CC

56:21 Different photosynthesis in C3, C4, and CAM

1:05:44 LI-6800 Fluorescence

1:12:00 Q&A Porometer and LI-6800 reading

1:15:33 Stomatal conductance (gsw)

1:18:37 Response curve

1:20:38 Light reading (Spectrometer and GPS Status)

1:31:18 Choosing lime leaf for LI-6800

1:33:57 Stomatal location

1:37:46 Adjuvant

1:40:07 Demonstration LI-6800

1:43:00 Setting Environment LI-6800

1:59:00 Logging data

2:00:00 Abaxial and Adaxial

2:00:54 Survey measurement/steady state measurement, response curve

2:04:50 LI-6800 chamber head

Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 - Creative Commons


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