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Introduction to The Protocol For Survey & Fluorescence Measurements


Delivered on: 4 September 2024

Today’s focus is on using the LiCOR LI 6800 to perform survey measurement and chlorophyll fluorescence.

Key Insights

📈 Utilising the LiCOR LI 6800 enables researchers to simulate different conditions, providing valuable data for plant research and agriculture.

📏 Proper settings and protocols ensure accurate measurements, underscoring the importance of methodological rigor in scientific research.

🌞 The Calvin cycle’s phases highlight how plants convert carbon into energy, crucial for understanding their growth patterns and responses to environmental changes.

🌟 Chlorophyll fluorescence serves as a diagnostic tool for assessing plant health and efficiency in energy capture, offering insights into plant stress responses.


0:00 Recap and Introduction to today's session

06:30 Introduction to LiCOR LI-6800 portable photosynthesis system

08:49 Types of measurement can be performed by LI-6800

11:12 Components & Parts- Console

11:40 Connecting tube

12:00 Sensor head/ Measuring chamber

13:59 The chemical column

19:57 Component & parts- Sensor head

27:35 Assembling the parts

29:33 Filling the columns

35:25 Installing the CO2 canister

44:44 Get introduced to the environment tap

45:38 The environmental tab- Flow control

47:15 The environmental tab- H2O

50:34 The environmental tab- CO2

53:06 Checking the current CO2 level

57:11 The environmental tab- Fan

58:40 The environmental tab- Temperature

1:02:32 The environmental tab- Light

1:10:22 Adjusting the light quality

1:15:46 Warming up

1:18:46 Protocols of leaf selection

1:34:45 Leaf phyllotaxy

1:41:12 Opening log file

1:44:34 Light sensor LI-190R

1:53:47 Demonstration- Survey Measurement

2:27:59 Demonstration- Fluorescence Measurement Dark adapt + Light adapt

2:49:33 Explanation on Dark adapt & Light adapt data


Department of Crop Science, UPM

XPMM+8R Seri Kembangan, Selangor

2.9833022017431574, 101.73468532055584

Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 - Creative Commons


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