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Hang-Gliding Take off at Mam Tor hill near Castleton in the High Peak of Derbyshire, England UK


Watched on: 5 APRIL 2015

Mam Tor is a 517 m hill near Castleton in the High Peak of Derbyshire, England. Its name means "mother hill", so called because frequent landslips on its eastern face have resulted in a multitude of "mini-hills" beneath it.

Hang gliding is the sport of launching oneself from a cliff or a steep incline and flying through the air by hanging from a very small aircraft without an engine, consisting of a frame covered in cloth.

Most modern hang gliders are made of an aluminium alloy or composite frame covered with synthetic sailcloth to form a wing shaped aircraft. The pilot is attached to the hangglider through a suspended harness attached to the airframe. Steering and controlling the hangglider is achieved by shifting body weight.

When hang gliding, the pilot is lying horizontally, parallel to the A-frame. This special position allows the pilot to control the direction using only their body. While paragliding, you will be sitting upright in a harness, as if you were on a chair.


Hope Valley S33 8WA, United Kingdom

85WW+6H Hope Valley, United Kingdom

53.34751136017, -1.8038578827721978

Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 - Creative Commons

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