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Writer's picturePlantHouse Enterprise

CO2 Drawdown Concentrations in leaf: Ca (atmospheric ambient); Ci (intercellular); Cc (Chloroplastic)

Delivered on: 27 DECEMBER 2023

This video explores the fascinating relationship between carbon dioxide and photosynthesis in plants. 🌱 Discover why plants don't directly sense ambient CO2 (Ca) in the air, but instead rely on intercellular CO2 (Ci). We'll delve into the importance of accurately measuring Ci for photosynthesis research and modeling, and how stomatal behavior provides crucial information about Ci under various conditions. Learn how stomatal conductance (gs) and photosynthesis rate (A) are interconnected, influencing Ci levels. We'll also examine the pathway of CO2 from Ci to chloroplastic CO2 (Cc), including the role of intercellular air space conductance.

Photosynthesis studies have demonstrated that plants do not directly sense ambient carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air (ca) but rather use intercellular CO2 (Ci).

A well resolved Ci is thus important for photosynthetic research, including photosynthesis models. Studies of stomatal behavior provide useful information of ci under a variety of conditions

Stomatal conductance (gs) changes proportionally with photosynthesis rate (A), which implies that Ci will remain constant when ca is kept constant. This concept has been adopted in modeling studies approximate ci = 0.80 ca for C3 plants.

The pathway of CO2 from Ci to chloroplastic CO2 (Cc) is characterized by intercellular air space conductance to CO2, through cell wall and through the liquid phase inside the cell.

Keywords: Photosynthesis, intercellular CO2, ambient CO2, stomatal conductance, photosynthesis rate, chloroplastic CO2, plant physiology, Lesson

Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 - Creative Commons


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