Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fE4s69w2GI
Understanding Excel Macros
Macros in Excel are essentially recorded sequences of actions that can be automated to streamline repetitive tasks. They are particularly useful for data analysis, visualisation, and complex calculations.
0:00 Step 1: Download the fitting tool
0:28 Step 2: Copy the curve fitting tool
0:46 Step 3: Open the fitting tool file
1:04 Step 4: Select File, Option
Enabling Macros in Excel
Access the Developer Tab: If you don't see the Developer tab in your Excel ribbon, you'll need to enable it. Go to File, Options, Customize Ribbon. Check the "Developer" checkbox and click OK.
1:24 Step 5: Check all the boxes
Macro Settings: Click on the Developer tab, then go to Macro Security. Ensure that "Enable all macros" is selected or choose a trusted location for your macros.
2:38 Step 6: Restart excel
By following these steps, you can effectively use Excel's curve-fitting tools to analyze and visualize your data.
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