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RainyWalk: Jenjalan HujanSeriyat Ayer Hangat Village Hot Springs Kg. Air Panas Hangat aihhh Langkawi

Writer's picture: PlantHouse EnterprisePlantHouse Enterprise

Visited on: 18 SEPTEMBER 2022

Dip in and rejuvenate at Air Hangat Village! This modern complex boasts an impressive three-tier fountain and an 18m-high carved riverstone mural depicting the legendary quarrel between two giants during a wedding feast. Their epic clash shattered the earth, spilling hot water and creating the natural hot springs you can enjoy today." Outdoor facility offering foot soaks in salt water hot springs pools, massage services & dining.

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Ayer Hangat Hot Spring

Geotapak ini terletak di Ayer Hangat di bahagian utara Langkawi. Mata air panas ini wujud disebabkan oleh kehadiran Sesar Kisap (patahan pada batuan). Mata air panas terhasil apabila air laut yang masuk ke dalam rongga batu kapur dan rekahan pada batuan mengalami pemanasan secara hidrotermal (haba daripada batuan granit beberapa km kilometre di bawah permukaan bumi).

Air masin yang tersimpan dalam rongga dan rekahan itu dipanaskan, kemudian bergerak ke atas melalui sesar dan muncul sebagai mata air panas. Mata air panas laut jarang dijumpai di dunia. Suhu air panas di sini ialah 38-40'C dengan aliran air yang perlahan (kurang daripada satu m3/minit)

Mengikut mitos, air di sini panas kerana tertumpah dalam pertengkaran antara dua gergasi yang menggegar Bumi semasa majlis perkahwinan anak mereka. Ramai orang percaya bahawa mata air panas boleh membantu melancarkan aliran darah, menyembuhkan penyakit kulit, melegakan sakit sendi dan badan. Tapak ini telah dibangunkan sebagai kompleks moden rekreasi mata air panas dengan suasana perkampungan tradisional Melayu

This site is located at Ayer Hangat in the northern part of Langkawi. Hot Springs occur here due to the Kisap Fault (a cut in the rock). Hot springs are produced when seawater that enters into limestone cavities and fractures in the rock undergoes hydrothermal heating (heat from a granite body some KM kilometer below the surface of the earth).

This hot saltwater that collects in the cavities and fractures is heated, moves upwards through the fault, and appears as a hot spring. Seawater hot springs are rarely found in the world. The hot water temperature here is 38-40'C with slow water flow (less than one m3/minute)

According to a myth, the water here is hot because it was split in an Earth-shattering quarrel between two giants during their children's wedding. Many people believe that hot springs can help stimulate blood flow, cure skin disease, relive joint pain and body ache. This site is developed as a modern complex of hot spring recreation in a Malay traditional village setting.

The Legend of Ayer Hangat

Once upon a time, there were two rich families who lived on the main island of Langkawi. One family had a son and the other, a daughter. (Both were of marriageable age. One day, the young man met the young lady. Besotted by her great beauty, he set out to woo her.

The girl's parent disapproves of the young man as he was known to have a roving eye. They went out of their way to fail his attempts to court their daughter. 'Their constant interference frustrated the smitten young man and this fueled many quarrels between the two families. And the bitter quarrels fed to public brawls.

Then one day after a particularly stinging exchange of name-calling between members of both families, a fight broke out. 'Faces were slapped and fists were thrown. Clothes were torn and hair were pulled. And the fighting did not slop. Pots of gravy were hurled, and jugs of hot water were smashed... Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning followed by a crashing thunderbolt. Everything seems to freeze for a split second after that.

In the silence that followed, the villagers saw that the head of both families had been transformed into two mountain peaks. Only then did both sides realize how foolish they had been. Quickly, they dispersed, with heads bowed in mortification and hearts heavy with sorrow.

The spot on which pots of gravy had splashed became known as Kuah (gravy) And where the jugs of boiling water landed, a hot spring spouted. Villagers called it Ayer Hangat (pronounces as ai-yer which means water; hangat which means hot). Yet another area was called Kisap (seep) because all the water seeped into the earth here.


Ayer Hangat Village

16, Jalan Padang Matsirat, Ayer Hangat, 07000 Langkawi, Kedah

CRF7+46 Langkawi, Kedah

6.422996738143419, 99.81309033573336

Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 - Creative Commons


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