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Pelatihan Instrumen LI-6800 “Portable Photosynthesis System Introduction and Demonstration Part 2/3


Lectured-Demo on: 17 JANUARY 2024

A practical guide to using the LI-600 photosynthesis system, particularly for fluorescence and gas exchange measurements. It begins with an introduction to the LI-600 and a demonstration of its operation. The two measurement settings, light-adapted and dark-adapted, are explained, followed by a demonstration of data collection on a rice leaf. Then LI-600 connected to computer software for data export and analysis. Fluorescence parameters like Fv/Fm, PhiPS2, and ETR are interpreted, along with stomatal conductance (gsw). The importance of correct leaf positioning during measurement and understanding stomatal morphology and distribution are emphasized. Then concludes with a Q&A session to address the inquiries.


00:00 Introduction to LI600

03:14 Demonstration of LI600 by student

06:25 Two measurement setting of LI600: Light adapt & Dark adapt.

09:05 Taking Fluro/Poro data using LI600 on rice leaf

26:00 Connecting Li600 to computer software

27:44 Exporting data from LI600

29:10 Exported data from LI600 in excel form

30:00 Difference between light adapt setting and dark adapt setting in excel file

32:00 Fv/Fm explanation/ interpretation

32:37: PhiPS2 explanation/ interpretation

35:08 ETR (Electron transport rate) explanation/ interpretation

37:06 gsw (Stomata conductance to water vapour) explanation/ interpretation

58:52 Leaf angle is important! Correct positioning when using LI600

1:03:31 Story about stomata

1:09:59 Stomata morphology

1:32:05 Stomata distribution

1:53:05 Why rice leaf can roll?

1:56:08 Q&A session

Diselenggarakan oleh AGLC Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Gadjah Mada

Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 - Creative Commons


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