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(MALAY) Light Dependent-Independent Reactions of Photosynthesis Parameters in LI-6400XT & LI-6800

Delivered on: 13 AUGUST 2022

32nd Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology Conference (MSPPC 2022)

Bayview Hotel, Langkawi, Kedah

Elucidating Light Dependent-Independent Reactions of Photosynthesis: Photochemistry Parameters Measured by the LI-6400XT and LI-6800

Nazmin, Y.1,* and Hassim, MI.2

1Crop Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

2Elite Scientific Instruments, B-07-02, Block B, Persiaran Serdang Perdana, Section 1, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia.

Photosynthesis is neither a single nor a linear process, despite being simply called a ‘food-making business’ by plants. The plethora of efforts in the agriculture sector to improve crop yield and quality routinely demand researchers to explain the effects or mechanism underlying the evident results physiologically.

We often think of photosynthesis as representing a single phenomenon: the conversion of light energy to biochemical energy. However, the fundamental processes that represent photosynthesis—collectively termed photochemistry—are considerably more complex. The chloroplast, even an ultrastructure itself, has subcomponents in which the light-dependent reaction (happens within the thylakoid membrane) and Calvin cycle (happens in the stroma) co-occur.

No single metric exists that directly represents photosynthesis; rather, the LI-6400XT and LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System measure specific processes and states of the components of photochemistry. These individual parameters are indicators of plant health and/or stress and are essential for biomass, yield, water use efficiency, or other studies where it is crucial to estimate photosynthetic performance as a measure of the response of plants to their environment. Here we provide a brief, introductory overview of some of the more commonly measured and/or physiologically relevant parameters that are provided either directly by the LI-6400XT and LI-6800 or derived from their outputs.


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