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Lawatan ke Pusat Inovasi Agroteknologi (PIAT) UGM Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Indonesia


Visited on: 15 JANUARY 2024

PIAT UGM at Berbah was established in 1975 under the name of the Agricultural Research and Development Education Garden (KP4) with the assistance of The Rockefeller Foundation. This 35-hectare land was built in Berbah Subdistrict. KP4 functions as a garden for education, research, and development with agricultural themes. KP4 began to be established to become alternative land management and prosperity of farmers. In addition, KP4 is also an alternative in launching RPPK (Revitalization of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Forestry). In 1988, KP4 changed its name to Agricultural Education, Research and Experiment. However, the functions and themes used were more or less the same as the previous KP4.

In 2015, KP4 was renamed The Center for Agrotechnology Innovation with the Innovation function and the theme of agrotechnology. From 2012 to 2014, the concept was as a supporting tool for Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi, namely as a research facility for students and lecturers. In 2015, after changing its name, PIAT has a basic concept as a center of agricultural innovation based on integrated farming by promoting an economy based on environmentally friendly technology innovation and optimization of energy resources.

PIAT is a field laboratory that is used to carry out educational, research, and community service activities which are tri dharma services based on integrated agriculture.

  1. The PIAT function is to carry out research education services and community in the field of integrated agricultural innovation that is environmentally friendly.

  2. Implementing in realizing the development of innovation in the field of agrotechnology to become the center of superior integrated tropical agriculture.

  3. Coordination of the implementation of innovative technologies that can be directly utilized by the community, government, private sector, and academia in accordance with the university’s flagship research.


0:00 introduction on PIAT

06:35 Penerangan pengenalan kepada fasilitas di PIAT UGM

27:20 Rusun Rumah Susun

28:12 Ruang Produksi Pasca Panen Padi

42:42 Bank Genetika

1:02:55 Limbah Ternak Sapi Lembu Daging dan Susu

1:12:48 Bagan Produksi Gas

1:17:35 Nyala api dari gas metana

1:18:10 Plastik biogas

1:21:53 Saus Burger Pakan

1:25:23 Teaching Farm Maggot BSF,

1:45:32 Rumah Inovasi Daur Ulang (RINDU)

1:53:59 Perikanan ikan nila dan koi hias

2:18:28 Lahan Penanaman Padi Blok 1.


Jl. Tanjungtirto, Tanjung, Kalitirto, Kec. Berbah, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55573, Indonesia

6F38+H4 Kalitirto, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

-7.795888847771098, 110.46528354033694

Kunjungan Universiti Putra Malaysia ke PIAT UGM diharapkan dapat berkembang menjadi kerja sama dan kolaborasi inovatif di bidang agroteknologi, sebagai langkah responsif terhadap tantangan SDGs kedepannya.

Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 - Creative Commons


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