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Writer's picturePlantHouse Enterprise

Indulge in Durian Bliss: King's D24 Durian Ice Cream Cup Apa Rasa: Aiskrim Durian Dalam Cawan

Reviewed on: JUN 2022

Experience the heavenly taste of durian with King's D24 Durian Ice Cream Cup. Made with pure, creamy D24 durian pulp, this ice cream delivers an authentic and unforgettable durian flavor experience.

Syurga pencinta durian! King of Fruits ada di sini. Diperbuat dengan pulpa durian D24 tulen yang sudah berkrim yang memberikan anda tekstur dan rasa yang sempurna. Anda akan menyukai ini pada gigitan Pertama Anda!

Brand: King's Ice Cream

Flavor: Durian

Dietary Needs: Halal

Pack Type Single Ice Cream Cup

Keywords: King's D24 Durian Ice Cream, Durian Ice Cream, D24 Durian, Durian Flavor, Ice Cream, Halal Ice Cream, Malaysian Ice Cream, Dessert, Durian Lovers, Food Review, Food Video, Malaysian Food

Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 - Creative Commons

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