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Writer's picturePlantHouse Enterprise

Crop Physiology: Seeds Structure, Dormancy and Germination (MARCH 2023)

Delivered on: 27 MARCH 2023

This comprehensive video explores the fascinating world of seeds, covering their structure, function, and the intriguing phenomenon of seed dormancy. 🌿 We'll delve into the biological processes that give rise to seeds, their diverse adaptations, and their crucial role in plant propagation and survival.

What you'll learn:

  • Seed Development: We'll trace the journey of seed development, from pollination and fertilization to embryo development and seed maturation.

  • Seed Structure: Explore the internal and external anatomy of seeds, including the embryo, endosperm, cotyledons, and seed coat.

  • Seed Function: Understand the key functions of seeds, including protection, nourishment, dispersal, and survival in harsh environments.

  • Seed Viability and Vigor: Learn about the concepts of seed viability (alive or dead) and vigor (healthy and active), and how to assess seed quality.

  • Orthodox vs. Recalcitrant Seeds: Discover the difference between orthodox seeds (tolerant of drying) and recalcitrant seeds (sensitive to drying) and their storage implications.

  • Seed Lifespan and Storage: Explore the classification of seed lifespan (microbiotic, mesobiotic, macrobiotic) and factors affecting seed longevity.

  • Seed Dormancy: We'll delve into the phenomenon of seed dormancy, where seeds fail to germinate even under optimal conditions, and discuss its causes and ecological significance.

Keywords: Seed biology, seed development, seed structure, seed function, seed dormancy, seed viability, seed vigor, orthodox seeds, recalcitrant seeds, seed lifespan, seed storage, pollination, fertilization, embryo, endosperm, cotyledons, seed coat, plant propagation, agriculture.


Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia

Fakulti Pertanian, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43000 Seri Kembangan, Selangor

XPMM+9J Seri Kembangan, Selangor

2.9845517506267742, 101.73803356324866

Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0 - Creative Commons


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