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Botany: Plant Root Functions, Structure, Morphology, and Modification


Delivered on: 31 OCTOBER 2022

Lesson Slides:

Functions of Root

Roots perform various functions that are necessary for the survival of the plants.They are an integral or integrated system that helps the plant in.

Following are the important functions of root:

Anchoring: Roots are the reason plants remain attached to the ground. They support the plant body, ensuring that it stands erect.

Absorption: Primary function of the roots is to absorb water and dissolved minerals from the soil. This is crucial as it helps in the process of photosynthesis.

Storage: Plants prepare food and store in the form of starch in the leaves, shoots and roots. Prominent examples include carrots, radishes, beetroot, etc.

Reproduction: Even though roots are not the reproductive part of plants, they are vegetative parts. In some plants, the roots are a means of reproduction. For instance, new plants arise from creeping horizontal stems called runners (stolons) in jasmine, grass, etc. This type of reproduction is called vegetative propagation.

Ecological Function: They check soil erosion, and provide sustenance and also habitat to various organisms.

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